Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Back to Basics

Hi all! Sorry it's been so long since I blogged last. A lot has happened since then.

The most exciting of which is my beautiful boy was born. He was five weeks early, spent a week in the hospital, but is doing great now. You would never know he had been a preemie. At fourteen weeks he weighs fourteen pounds!

Abbie still doesn't like having a sibling, but I figure she will get over it in time. At least she isn't yelling at everyone to put him down anymore. That only happens when Daddy holds Gabe. Currently only thing she detests more than sharing Daddy with Gabe is the potty. This child has absolutely zero interest in the potty. Me being the control freak that I am called the ped and asked if this is normal. She said not to worry until Abbie is actually 3 (she's 2 1/2) and then start over again. We are gearing up for that too.

As of the end of March we will have less than $5000 in debt!! We have worked so hard and come so far in the last two years. We finally sat down and figured out how much we have paid off and settled. We were impressed. By selling our house to pay the IRS, selling the cars and paying cash for a van, setteling 2 credit cards and selling off everything we don't need or use we have paid off $214,000 in 2 years!! To that end we are moving in with my mom so we will be ready to buy a house next year.

Little Lovlies is growing leaps and bounds.

1. I have expanded my flip flop line and am currently running a penny shipping special. If you follow my blog, comment and get an additional $3 off.

2. I have discovered I love to sew! So I have added a children's clothing line. Some of it is unique designs and some of it is upcycled designs. I will be adding boys clothes soon.

3. Gearing up for the big move I am clearing out my craft room and am adding destash as I can. I still have to go through my fabrics.

I hope this finds everyone in good health, great spirits and having lots of sales for themselves!

1 comment:

Upstatemamma said...

Wow!! Sounds like you have been through a lot. I cannot believe how much debt you have been able to pay off. Good for you!!!
